Day 3 Camp Recap – Kaliyev “Out” on Day 3 + In-Camp Fight, Making An Impression, Veterans on Camp Intensity

Happy Saturday, Insiders!

The LA Kings hit the ice once again today for the third day of training camp. The Kings held a similar format here on Day 3, with Group A first on the ice for a practice session, before a camp scrimmage, consisting today of two, 25-minute halves. Group B then held their practice session, before Group C concluded the day with their own skate.

Lineups, listed in full HERE, have been relatively consistent towards the top. We’ve seen the top nine up front remain the same in all three days, along with the top four defensive pairings as well. Regarding those fighting for roster spots, the Kings seem to have established a clear group of 15 forwards, though an injury to Arthur Kaliyev has changed the course of the plan just a bit, which moved Alex Turcotte from center to wing, as he skated with Akil Thomas and Trevor Lewis during today’s practice.

Kaliyev left yesterday’s scrimmage early after taking a hit from defenseman Kyle Burroughs. Head Coach Jim Hiller did not have an update for the group after yesterday’s practice and Kaliyev did not participate in Day 3 today. Following today’s practice, Hiller didn’t have a ton more to add, beyond that he is currently “out”.

External reports had a more severe diagnosis for Kaliyev, though it doesn’t seem anything has happened as of now.

First things first, it’s difficult news for a player who seemed to have a new lease on life with the Kings. The second half of last season was extremely difficult for Kaliyev but in signing a new one-year contract earlier this week, there was an opportunity for a fresh start. Both he and Hiller talked about it in that context and all signs pointed to a player who would have a chance to be in the mix this season. The injury on Day 2 unfortunately will certainly set him back, so here’s to hoping the recovery is short and we can see Kaliyev back in the mix as soon as he is able.

As far as the rest of the group is concerned, the scrimmage today consisted once again of two halves, contested between Groups A and B.

The bulk of the offensive opportunities came in the first half, with Warren Foegele and Alex Turcotte each cashing in. Turcotte took advantage of a turnover in the offensive zone and snapped a shot past goaltender Darcy Kuemper. Foegele was the recipient of a great look in transition and he leaned into a one-timer, putting it clean past goaltender David Rittich at the other end of the ice. Both goaltenders were active in their 25 minutes of work, with Kuemper denying defenseman Jacob Moverare on a penalty shot, after a tripping penalty, while Rittich denied a penalty shot from forward Glenn Gawdin after he received a stick to the face while attacking down the wing.

The real story from the first half came as things ended with a bang, if you will. Earlier in the scrimmage, forward Samuel Helenius crashed the net hard in search of a rebound that Kuemper eventually covered. Exception was taken by defensemen Andreas Englund and Kyle Burroughs, among others, though things eventually seemed to subside……until they didn’t. In the final shift of the first half, Helenius was challenge by forward Jeff Malott and the two big fellas fought to a ton of excitement from a full building of fans.

“Yeah, we had our first one, we almost had one in day one, so it finally boiled over today, in an actual fight,” Hiller said. “There were other opportunities and I think you guys probably saw there were other guys having words, so it felt like sooner or later, this was probably going to happen and a really good fight by those two. I think they respected each other after it was done and it looks to me like there are some people here who are trying to impress, that’s the way I read it. You show a physical element or an intensity, you’re trying to catch people’s attention. I think that’s been pretty clear over these first few days.”

It’s interesting, because on the outside it felt so out of character at a Kings camp. In the room, it didn’t really feel like all that big a deal. For Hiller, he seemed to like that level from both players. It was certainly exciting for the fans though on what was by far the fullest day of camp attendance wise. Two guys trying to impress and make the team and it’s clear that both caught the attention of those in charge.

The intensity, though, is something that is being noticed by just about everyone taking the ice over these three days. That doesn’t mean I’m expecting to see Kevin Fiala square off with Adrian Kempe tomorrow, but those who are engaged in this camp are seeing the uptick in a few different areas.

Both Warren Foegele and Tanner Jeannot shared that during the pre-camp meeting on Wednesday, that was the kind of message that trickled down to the players.

Foegele – It’s high paced, physical, there’s been a lot of compete out there. I think that’s the message that was relayed at the introduction, guys playing hard and trying to put a little bit more into it. Guys are working hard and those are the right things moving forward.

Jeannot – Everyone’s wanting to push each other to get better. We talked about it in the meeting at the start of cam, everyone just needs to care and care a little bit more, so I think everyone’s been showing that so far and it’s just going to continue to develop.

It’s unsurprising to see that be the message that was delivered, after what’s been said throughout the offseason, starting with the way Rob Blake spoke during his press conference in announcing Hiller as the team’s full-time Head Coach.

For Jeannot and Foegele, this is their only experience with an LA Kings camp. They don’t know a camp other than this, even if they’re both aware that part of the reason they were brought in was to help the group advance and excel in those are.

For those who have been here in the past, though, I think there’s been a noticeable difference.

Mikey Anderson – I think it’s much more physical than it’s been in past years. It’s good, it gets guys back into the game, the pace of play and everything, so I think it’s important. It’ll help us out once we’re playing games for real.

Trevor Lewis – Yeah, it’s been fun, I think guys are excited. The competitive juices get flowing a little bit out there and it’s great. It’s great that everyone is pushing each other, guys are hungry, that’s good to see.

Trevor Moore – For sure, I think this is a group that wants to improve and wants to have a strong identity, so yeah, it’s been physical and aggressive and we’re all trying to make each other better.

Akil Thomas called it the “most competitive and physical” camp he’s been a part of, while Alex Laferriere is really experiencing a true main camp for the first time.

With last season’s split, Laferriere was not a part of the group that went to Australia, but opened camp with the group targeted more for the AHL.

“You didn’t really see that competitive edge last year, I think everybody’s hungry and we know we have a lot to prove this year,” he said today. I think just coming out and being ready to go is what you guys see.”

For a team that felt like it was pushed around at times, that it was outmatched physically at times, there seems to be a clear mindset towards changing that. How it potentially impacts other areas, or how it actually plays out when the opponent is another team, remains to be seen.

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