Murray, on Frolov's return

The post-practice conversation today with Terry Murray…


Question: Have things been straightened out with Frolov?

MURRAY: “He’s back in the lineup.”

Question: Did you talk to him this morning?

MURRAY: “Yes I did.”

Question: And what did you see in him?

MURRAY: “Well, when we spoke in Dallas, the conversation was, `You’re coming out of the lineup.’ It was important for me to leave an opening in the door, and that was, `Whenever you’re ready to come back, knock on my door, come and sit down, and look me in the eye and talk to me and tell me you’re ready to get going and play the game that I know you’re capable of bringing.’ And that’s what happened here this morning. He came in, knocked on my door and wanted to talk for a few minutes, and we had a good discussion and he’s back in. He’s ready to go.”

Question: Is it about production more than effort?

MURRAY: “No, it’s effort. I can live with the other stuff, but I want 100 percent commitment with effort and intensity, emotionally. We’ve got to have that commitment. If we’re going to make things work here, as far as we talk about changing the culture and going in the direction we want to get going in and stay there on a consistent basis, then we need total buy-in by all players.”

Question: In hindsight, anything you would have done different with that?

MURRAY: “No. It’s just time to move on. The decision I made in Dallas, I’m very comfortable with it. It’s what I needed to do for the team, and it’s only made for the team. It’s made for the L.A. Kings. No one is bigger than the team. That’s the reason why I made the decision. Yesterday was a day of sitting back and contemplating everything, I guess, by both of us. It was a productive day. Now he’s back in the lineup, a good practice, and ready to get going.”

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