The year-long scoring “race” between Sean O’Donnell and Matt Greene appears to have reached its conclusion. With his goal last night, O’Donnell now leads Greene in goals (3 to 2) and points (14 to 8). After last night’s game, Greene and O’Donnell had a good-natured, tongue-in-cheek exchange about
GREENE: “He’s pulling ahead. He’s just an unbelievable player. It’s tough to catch a player with that much offensive skill. He’s just `on’ every night. It’s an uphill battle for guys like me.”
O’DONNELL: “I’m waiting for the concession. I’m waiting for the phone call. Team O’Donnell is waiting for the phone call from Team Greene for the official concession. He’s holding on, maybe for a recount or something. I don’t know what it is. Chad problems.”
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